Michael Huhn Photos
First edition (1992) of a scarce book in very good condition. From the back cover:
"the male nude--Manhattan street style
created by Michael Huhn
his vision is fresh, young and gay
he vaours glamour realism where
texture is rough-cut & sub-text is surfaced
where lean and muscled body-boys
surface from the street and fles and pose
from downtown roofscapes
immersed in the soaring city skyline
I can create my own reality because the camera arrest the moment and mood. As a photographer, I'm a voyeur and an artist. I often take the human form out of its natural environment and place it in surroundings where it is not normally found. With each, I set the human spirit free. Michael Huhn, New York 1991."
Imprint: éditions Aubrey Walter
Publication Date: 1992
ISBN: 0854491732
Pages: 64
Format: Secondhand Paperback